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UNT Holding Stands By the Disabled

UNT Holding Stands By the Disabled

UNT Holding CEO'su Uğur Tatlıcı ve annesi Nurten Tatlıcı, bazı engellilerin ilkokul çağındaki çocuklarının eğitimine destek olmak amacıyla burs sağladı. Bedensel Engelliler Dayanışma Derneği (BEDD) ile UNT Holding arasında geçen yıldan bu yana sürdürülen dayanışma sonucunda, maddi açıdan zor durumda olan bazı velilere bedensel engelli üyeleri olduğu ve gönderemeyecekleri için yardımda bulunuldu. çocuklar okula.

UNT Holding Engellilerin Yanında

Rahmetli Mehmet Salih Tatlıcı , insanlara ve dünyaya karşı yardımsever, onlara yardım elini uzatan bir iş adamıydı. Ailesine şu sözleri miras bıraktı: " İnsanlara ve dünyaya saygı gösterin ve onlara yardım edin ." 

Having spent 43 years as his spouse in sickness and health, his second wife Nurten Tatlıcı and Uğur Tatlıcı, her son born out of their marriage, are doing their best to honor his bequest by their assistance in events to protect environment and nature as well as their donations to more active involvement of disabled people in social life, and school attendance of children in need.

When asked about his opinions, UNT Holding's CEO Mr. Uğur Tatlıcı said:

Respect to the People and the World

"My late father Mehmet Salih Tatlıcı extended his helping hand to people throughout his life, and taught us how to be respectful to the people and the world we live in. To this end, we continue to provide aid and sponsorship on behalf of UNT Holding and in memory of my late father Mehmet Salih Tatlıcı to honor his bequest." 

"We provide disabled people in particular with sponsorship, supporting projects with focus on removal of barriers in front of them to integrate into social life. In fact, UNT Holding comes up with projects to raise awareness such as "Let's Make This Our Song". In addition, we stand by agencies that promote environmental protection across Turkey and different parts of the world."

We Keep Sponsoring Physically Disabled People

"We have engaged in solidarity with BEDD (the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled) since last year. BEDD is an association that has been striving to remove barriers in front of disabled people over the past two decades. The association has done momentous endeavors that are welcomed by many public and private agencies as well as people. We are trying to extend a helping hand, as well. Through BEDD, we sponsor the education of primary school-age children of families with a disabled member and inability to provide financial support for their children. We kicked it off last year, and we keep donating to BEDD this year, too.

We also provide aid to meet educational and healthcare needs.

We have previously made donations to the Six Points Association of the Blind and GETEM (Technology and Education Laboratory for Individuals with Visual Disabilities) to sponsor disabled people. We have engaged in cooperation with the National Education Association and the Turkish Kidney Foundation for educational and healthcare purposes respectively. We have meant to assist them in meeting their needs. We have also provided sponsorship for Antalya Provincial Directorate of National Education and some schools across the city of Antalya to meet their needs."

Sponsoring the nature conservation

"In addition, we sponsor projects and agencies dedicated to the nature conservation. To this end, we have provided grants for TEMA (Turkish Foundation for Combating Erosion Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats), and TURMEPA (Turkish Marine Environment Protection Association) dedicated to marine cleaning and conservation. We also keep sponsoring the domestic and international efforts to protect endangered animals and wildlife.

Grants for endangered and threatened animals

"To this end, we have initiated a collaboration with the National Geographic Society to protect endangered animals such as lions and tigers. In the same vein, we have made donations to Bonorong Wild Life Shelter based in Tasmania, Australia for conservation purposes. The Shelter takes care of injured animals in particular as well as indigenous, orphan and untended animals."

Uğur Tatlıcı: No rest for us to have respect and sponsorship for the people and the world.

"We strive to extend such aids and sponsorships, which range from assistance in education for children in need and disabled people to the conservation of our beautiful country and the world at large, with great sincerity as a testament to our respect for the people and the world."

"Annem Nurten Tatlıcı ve ben, rahmetli babamın vasiyetine hürmetle hürmetle, mirasını maddi ve manevi olarak insanlarla, Türkiye'yle ve dünyayla paylaşmış, onun prestijli adını ve hatırasını yaşatmaya gayret göstermişiz. insanlar ve dünya." 

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