Unobstructed Happiness for People with Disabilities
Yapılan araştırmalar dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık yüzde 15'inin engelli olduğunu ve engelliliğin insanlığın ortak sorunları arasında en önemli konu olduğunu gösteriyor.
Bu nedenle 10-16 Mayıs tarihleri arasındaki hafta Birleşmiş Milletler tarafından 156 ülkede Engelli Farkındalık Haftası olarak kabul edilerek engellilerin yaşadığı sıkıntıya dikkat çekiliyor. Bedensel Engelliler Dayanışma Derneği, Tatlıses Gıda ve Yadinbey Restaurant , engellilerimize yalnız olmadıklarını hatırlatmak ve özel günlerinde kendilerini daha değerli hissetmelerini sağlamak amacıyla geleneksel bir 'sıra' gecesi düzenledi. 100 engelli, aileleri ile ilk kez bir sıra gecesi etkinliğinde bir araya geldi.
The problems people with disabilities face in the areas of health, rehabilitation, environment, education and employment, reduce their motivation for their daily life. Between 10th and 16th of May, various events are organized in order to draw attention to these problems and to add color to the life of the disabled. In order to remind them that they are not alone and to contribute to their happiness, Tatlıses Gıda organized a sira night event within the scope of the social responsibility project. During the event held in cooperation with the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled and contributions of Yadinbey Restaurant, physically-handicapped people gathered together for the first time at a sira night. Traditional steak tartar a la turca was prepared by masters of Urfa and Mehmet Dört Kardeş and Urfa Sira Night band added a novel touch to the event with the participation of 100 people with disabilities and their families.
“We Are All The Same, We In the Same World”
Kemal Demirel, the Founder and Director of the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled: “We are so happy to participate in such a beautiful event organized in May 10-16 Disability Awareness Week. Although it was prepared within a short time, it appeared to be a very nice organization with a surprise. We constitute 1 in 3 of the society as 9 million disabled people in our country. We live in a world where nothing is known anyone. We would like to thank to Tatlises Gıda, namely Ibrahim Tatlises, Yadinbey Restaurant and Avantgarde İletişim for being here with us. There are only a few physical differences among us, we are all the same, and we live in the same world. We will perform many other big events with Tatlıses Gıda which has organized many events in several cities of our beautiful country. Thank you again for everyone who contributed, have fun!”
“We Develop New Projects For the Happiness of People With Disabilities”
Tatlıses Çiğ Köfte General Coordinator Elif Attepe said; "As Tatlıses Gıda, we aim to take part in many activities in order to facilitate the lives of the disabled and their families together with the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled. Our first priority is their happiness. We want our disabled citizens, who are worn out and need support, to spend a beautiful day with their families. For this purpose, we are developing projects in order to ensure that they have a pleasant time. The lives of the disabled are unfortunately not so easy in our country, the environmental conditions are at the top of the difficulties they are experiencing and their lives are challenged for many reasons. We want to lift their morale, and make them feel valued. We are always with them in this difficult process.”
“Let’s Overcome the Obstacles Together”
Organizasyona ev sahipliği yapan Yadinbey Restaurant'ın Halkla İlişkiler ve Pazarlama Müdürü Heval Okçuoğlu, “Yadinbey ailesi olarak öncelikle Fiziksel Engelliler Dayanışma Derneği'ne, Tatlıses Gıda ve Avantgarde İletişim Danışmanlığına imkanlarından dolayı teşekkür ederiz. Böylesine anlamlı bir organizasyonda yer almamız için. Engellerin ancak el ele ve toplumsal dayanışma ile aşılabileceğini biliyoruz. Bunun da ilk şartı empati gösterebilmektir. Unutulmamalıdır ki her insan gelecekte engelli olma potansiyeline sahiptir. Bugün empati kurarak hareket edebilirsek yarın hayatlarını daha müreffeh yaşamalarını sağlayabiliriz. Nitekim her birey bu sorumluluğu hissetmekle yükümlüdür. Bu özel günde engelli hemşerilerimize el uzatabilirsek ne mutlu bize.”