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Psycho-social support was given by Anadolu Education and Social Aid Foundation with the aim of creating a healthy society.

Psycho-social support was given by Anadolu Education and Social Aid Foundation with the aim of creating a healthy society.

Sağlıklı bir toplum yaratmak amacıyla Anadolu Eğitim ve Sosyal Yardım Vakfı tarafından Bedensel Engelliler Dayanışma Derneği üyelerine psiko-sosyal destek verilmiştir.

Anadolu Eğitim ve Sosyal Yardım Vakfı, Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi kapsamında Bedensel Engelliler Dayanışma Derneği (BEDD) üyelerine ücretsiz tedavi ve ameliyat hizmeti veriyor.

Sosyal Sorumluluk Proje Direktörü Necmettin Özçelik'in özel gereksinimli bireylere ve ailelerine psiko-sosyal destek sağlamak amacıyla vakfın protokolü uyarınca geliştirdiği yeni proje, psikiyatrist Dr. Zafer Atasoy liderliğinde verilen eğitimlerle uygulandı. .

20 members of BEDD and their families participated in the project, which aims to give psychological support to cope with emotional situations such as rejection, pain, depression, guilt, indecision, anger and embarrassment which are revealed by people with physical disabilities.

Kemal Demirel, the General Director of BEDD, Kemal Demirel thanked the Anadolu Education and Social Aid Foundation for their support, stating that the project on "Providing Psycho-Social Support to People with Special Needs and Their Families" would be of great benefit to the participating young people.

Dr. Atasoy summarized his ideas about the project as follows: In order to be aware of the disability, it may be necessary to lose the skills we have or to teach us what it is to be disabled, to be with the disability, to share with it, to participate in the activity of the Foundation, even though we do not encounter disabled people and their families at every stage of medical education. I came face to face with the disabled children, hidden young people and families who were ignored. The fact that they see the aid offered to them, they feel someone beside them, and that they are able to express their emotions and opinions shows a significant support is shared and it continues to grow as it is shared. The enthusiasm that emerges at the end of the two sharing sessions, where the day and time of the next meeting and the subject which is to be prioritized were discussed, reveals how accurate this assessment is.

Anadolu Eğitim ve Sosyal Yardım Vakfı Sosyal Sorumluluk Projeleri Direktörü Necmettin Özçelik , en büyük motivasyonlarının farklı sosyokültürel düzeylerdeki ihtiyaçlara ulaşma ve beklentilerini karşılamanın büyük mutluluğu olduğunu ifade etti.

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