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Pfizer Brings Hope for Walking Disabled Citizens in Izmir

Pfizer Brings Hope for Walking Disabled Citizens in Izmir

Pfizer Türkiye, 10-16 Mayıs Engelli Farkındalık Haftası nedeniyle Bedensel Engelliler Dayanışma Derneği (BEDD) aracılığıyla İzmir'de yaşayan ihtiyaç sahibi vatandaşlara tekerlekli sandalye bağışladı. BEDD Genel Müdürü Kemal Demirel, Pfizer Türkiye temsilcileri, engelli vatandaşlar ve ailelerinin katılımıyla 9 Mayıs'ta İzmir Buca Huzurevi Yaşlı Bakım ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi'nde tekerlekli sandalye dağıtım töreni düzenlendi . Pfizer'in her yıl gelenekselleşen kampanyasıyla bağışlanan tekerlekli sandalye sayısı 429'a ulaştı.

Making a speech at the ceremony, Kemal Demirel, the Director of BEDD said the following: "We continue to work day and night for many years to make a difference in the lives of our fellows with disabilities. Making life easier for disabled people has been our mission of priority thanks to the donations made by people with a heart of gold. Every donation we receive raises our hopes on providing continuous improvement in the health, education and quality of life of the individuals with special needs, and empowers our activities to raise awareness. We would like to thank Pfizer Turkey who provided people in need with wheelchairs and freed the lives of children with disabilities with such a significant donation.”

Making a speech at the ceremony, Yasemin Ayginin, Corporate Communication Manager of Pfizer Turkey said the following: “Social sensitivity and social responsibility are indispensable values and traditions of Pfizer. This campaign, organized for the disabled citizens like all of our citizens, to take part in social life, has a special meaning for us. Pfizer is a company that believes that working in partnership with NGOs has a positive role in the sustainability of social responsibility projects. The wheelchair donations that we have made are now traditional and we are trying to lighten the discomfort of our disabled citizens through the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled (BEDD). In the framework of the Disability Awareness Week, we are grateful to the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled for giving us the opportunity to make a contribution in this direction and I wish our cooperation to continue in the coming periods.”

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