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Sponsorship by Tülay Aksoy Özilhan for the Disabled

Sponsorship by Tülay Aksoy Özilhan for the Disabled

Anadolu Isuzu'nun Ar-Ge departmanı mühendisleri tarafından tasarlanan engelli-uygun otobüslerin hibe ve teslimi için düzenlenen törende kalabalığa seslenen BEDD Başkanı Kemal Demirel, otobüsler için Tülay Aksoy Özilhan'a ve firma yetkililerine teşekkür etti. engelliler için özel olarak tasarlandığını belirterek, "Türkiye'nin diğer illerini gezdikten sonra belgesel çekerek toplumu bilinçlendirmek için kendimizi tanıtacağız" dedi.

Bedensel Engelliler Dayanışma Derneği binasında düzenlenen törende, katılımcılara engellilerin toplumdaki eksiklerini hatırlatan Kemal Demirel, “Bu otobüs sayesinde projelerimizi hayata geçireceğiz. toplum için kendimizi geliştirmek."

Kemal Demirel de projeler hakkında bazı detaylar verdi:

"I believe that we need to tackle every aspect of this matter through a documentary that we would shoot with this bus, focusing on what has been ignored by the society. We would like to see how they will react once they face such difficulties. Everyone needs to be shocked once they are shown what they may go through if they end up being someone with a disability. This is a hard life, and I am curious about whether or not it is too much to ask to be part of the society.  It is a big dream of mine to promote the association by shooting a documentary not as part of the act but placing hidden cameras to see natural reactions. Let's see how they will find it. We have two vehicles for now but it will be 4. We are going to kick off the documentary shooting with them. In addition, our disabled members could not attend a lot of meetings due to transportation barriers. We can now take them to such events by these cars."

At the event held for the delivery of the first bus, in her capacity as a board member of Anadolu Endüstri Holding, Tülay Aksoy Özilhan talked about how she was overwhelmed by the remarks of Mrs. Erdoğan, the wife of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as she asked if it is just one, and said: "I am delighted to deliver this bus, which is designed by R&D engineers of Anadolu Group for disabled people, to you, my distinguished friends. I am happy to be the upper hand that gives as it is better than the lower hand that takes."

Serving as the Chairman of Council of Consultants for the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled, the movie star Ediz Hun reminded of the need to boost such grants to the association, and talked about how the association is set to grow into a foundation, expanding its operations.

Donated by Tülay Aksoy Özilhan, Turkuaz, the most luxurious bus version of ISUZU cars, has been widely acclaimed as it is designed with no intervention in interior design to accommodate 6 wheelchairs and 10 seats for a comfortable and safe intercity bus drive.   A group of disabled people were also put on a test drive.

The bus was taken delivery by Mr. Demirel, the Head of BEDD's, as a part of a ribbon-cutting ceremony after he presented a plaque of appreciation to Tülay Aksoy Özilhan, a board member of Anadolu Group.

In the aftermath of the ceremony, all the invitees had a chance for a chit chat at the reception held at the department of Deni Training and Workshop.

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