Şırnak Police Department put a smile on the faces of 34 fellow citizens with disabilities
Şırnak İl Emniyet Müdürlüğü, Şırnak il merkezi ve ilçelerinde yaşayan 34 engelli vatandaşın yüzünü güldürdü. Şırnak İl Emniyet Müdürlüğü ve Dayanışma Derneği tarafından yürütülen 'Engelsiz Bir Hayat Projesi' kapsamında Şırnak il merkezi ve ilçelerinde belirlenen 34 engelli vatandaşa tekerlekli sandalye dağıtılması için Emniyet Müdürlüğü bahçesinde tören düzenlendi. Bedensel Engelliler Derneği.
Governor Hasan İpek, Zeki Güven, the Provincial Deputy Police Chief, department managers and people in need of wheelchairs and their families participated to the ceremony. In cooperation with the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled, 4 power chairs, 34 wheelchairs and 1 child push chair have been delivered according to the disability status specified in the health reports of people with disabilities, and their unique needs. 6 wheelchairs and 1 power chair for Şırnak city center; 8 wheelchairs, 2 power chairs and 1 child push chair for Cizre; 4 wheelchairs for Silopi; 7 wheelchairs of Güçlükonak; 6 wheelchairs for Beytüşşebap; and 3 wheelchairs and 1 power chair for Uludere have been delivered.
Making a speech at the ceremony, Governor Hasan Ipek said, "My fellow brothers working under challenging situations in one of the most important cities of our country, Şırnak which has borders with three countries; Today, you put your signature under a very nice activity together with the associations in Istanbul. First, I congratulate all of you and greet you live love. Dear valued citizens of Şırnak; as the Security Organization, the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and all state organs, we are happy and honored to provide services for the citizens of Şırnak. The security force members of such a city with different crimes every day made a big effort and provided you with 36 wheelchairs in cooperation with associations in Istanbul. I wish all these wheelchairs will bring luck to the lives of our fellow citizens with disabilities. Here, I want to declare that these activities which we conduct in close cooperation with our people will last forever. We are proud of proving services to you. And we wholeheartedly believe that you are proud of being a citizen of the Republic of Turkey and serving for this country. I wish that all these wheelchairs sent from Istanbul will bring luck to you, and I greet all of you with respect and love to express my satisfaction of being with you.”