Our Bank Accounts

A Meaningful Exhibition from Kemal Turan, 5th Head of Department at the Court of Accounts

A Meaningful Exhibition from Kemal Turan, 5th Head of Department at the Court of Accounts

Sayıştay 5. Daire Başkanı Kemal Turan, ikinci resim sergisini engelliler yararına düzenledi.

Sayıştay 5. Daire Başkanı Kemal Turan sosyal sorumluluk projesi kapsamında Ankara'dan sonra ikinci resim sergisini İstanbul'da açtı. Beyoğlu'nda Ziraat Bankası Tünel Sanat Galerisi'nde düzenlenen sergide sanatseverlerin beğenisine sunulan onlarca tablo, ziyaretçiler tarafından büyük beğeni topladı.

Kemal Turan, 5th Head of Department at the Court of Accounts and also the architecture of many beautiful works and the project which aims to “BUY WHEELCHAIRS WITH THE MONEY EARNED” said that he was very happy to provide wheelchairs with the money to be earned. “Turan, who stated that 58 works were exhibited in the show, said, "I had a lot of enthusiasm for painting, and after I became a civil servant I did not overcome this enthusiasm and continued to paint. Then I wanted to make use of these pictures as useful as possible for the community. In the first few projects, we worked with the association for the disabled. I've organized this campaign to in order to sell my works against donation and use this donation for the purchase of wheelchairs for people with disability in cooperation with the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled.”

SOSYAL SORUMLULUĞA KATKI Serginin açılış törenine katılan Sancaktepe Belediye Başkanı İsmail Erdem , “Hepsi bir, bu içeriden geliyor. Bu resimleri yapmak da, işlemek de bu gönül zenginliğine bağlıdır; Öte yandan merhamete muhtaç engelli hemşerilerimize tekerlekli sandalye alımında kullanılacak olan bu sergi, bir sosyal sorumluluk projesi olarak katkı sağlıyor” dedi. Toplam 58 eserden oluşan resim sergisi 17 Ekim'e kadar ziyarete açık olacak.

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