“Let’s Meet At Iftar”
11.08.2014Gelenekselleşen “İftarda Buluşalım” sloganıyla 750 özel gereksinimli kişi ve aileleri bir araya geldi.
BEDD'in Ramazan'ın manevi atmosferinde Vesta Restaurant, Moda Teras Restaurant ve son olarak Lüfer 6 Teknesi'nde düzenlediği geleneksel iftar yemeklerinde üye, yönetici ve özel ihtiyaç sahibi yönetim kurulu üyeleri “İftarda Buluşalım” sloganıyla iftarlarını açtı. hemcinsleri ile birlikte.
Speaking at the iftar dinner supported with many valuable contributors of BEDD have supported over the years, Chairman Kemal Demirel said: "In this beautiful organization that is very meaningful in the beauty of Ramadan, we live the existence of our holy days with good morals in peace, love and compassion. For 20 years, we are committed to such organizations in line with the needs of our members.” Demirel stated that they will continue their efforts to reduce obstacles in the lives of the disabled by continuing to embrace people without discrimination.
Referring to the events in Gaza and the Middle East, the Director Demirel said: "In our immediate vicinity there is a blood bath. Our people are being massacred in the whole Middle East in Gaza. God bless you, guard against evil thought, do not break our union, our cooperation and our brotherhood. The earth shall be left to no one.”
Ediz Hun, a cinematographer who runs the BEDD Board of Advisors; stated that their main aim is to be able to listen to the problems of the members in the gathered environment and produce solutions and that they have participated very important developments for years and expressed that they want to continue this development in the future.
Valuable contributors who didn’t refrain from support for the iftar night were presented with Thank You Plaques by BEDD.
Özel gereksinimli üyeler ve aileleri, büyük katılımla gerçekleşen iftar gecelerinde keyifli ortamlar yaratan BEDD'e teşekkürlerini iletti.
Sayın Kemal Demirel'in öncülüğünde kurulan ve film yıldızı Ediz Hun'un Danışma Kurulu adına yürüttüğü BEDD, ihtiyaç sahiplerine gıda yardımı, giyecek, tek kullanımlık altlık, tekerlekli sandalye, eğitim bursu, tedavi yardımı gibi yardımları yapmaya devam ediyor. kurumsal ve bireysel bağışçıların desteğine.