A 45-year dream came true at Çırağan Palace
Bedensel Engelliler Dayanışma Derneği başkanı sıfatıyla hayatının büyük bir bölümünü bedensel engellilerin topluma kazandırılması ve hayatın her alanında rol almaları için çaba sarf etmiş ve verdiği mücadelelerle bunu başarmıştır. hayata sımsıkı tutundukları için.
Of 45 years spent as a disabled person and for disabled people, the Head of the Association Mr. Kemal Demirel has dedicated 23 years to the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled. What lies behind his battles of determination and faith is his goals set 45 years ago. In line with the principle that says "it is not circumstances but the faith within that determines one's destiny", one of them is to raise new disabled leaders to put up effort for disabled people who make up 15 percent of the global and 12 percent of the Turkish population, and make sure that leaders help disabled people become part of social life with no barrier.
In an attempt to integrate such leaders into positions they would assume with high spirits, the disabled children to put up the fight in the future and their families were hosted by the administration office of Çırağan Palace on 30th of December, 2015.
The event, which Neslihan Şen serving as the Public Relations Director for Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul personally took care of to the finest detail to leave an indelible impression, actually took off when the physically disabled children and their families departed in an entourage of one limousine and five VIP cars from the association's premises in Maltepe. Once they made it to Çırağan Palace, they were welcomed in a ceremony by Ralph Radtke, the General Manager for Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul, and the board members just like world leaders always are. As a part of the two-hour event held by Çırağan Palace Kempisnki Istanbul, 45 physically disabled members of the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled, and their families were hosted in a spectacular fashion. Delivering a speech as a part of the event, the Head of the Association Mr. Kemal Demirel evoked the fact that anyone may end up being disabled and expressed his expectation from healthy people to take good care of themselves. Mr. Demirel added that his biggest dream is to see disabled people enjoy the social life under decent circumstances, and expressed his delight to see that come true at Çırağan Palace. Mr. Ralph Radtke, the General Manager of Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul and the Regional Director of Kempinski Residences, presented a plaque of "the Global Leader of the Century" as a symbolic gesture to 7 year-old disabled Yücehan Kermen as a part of the event where the top management of Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul and all the invitees had emotionally-charged moments.