Statute of the Association for Solidarity with the Physically Disabled
Name and Headquarters of the Association
Article 1-
Headquarters of the association is situated in ISTANBUL.
The Association may open branches abroad and within the country.
The Goal of the Association and The Procedure to be Conducted by The Association to Reach This Goal
Subjects, Methods & Field of Activity
Article 2-
Dernek, Tüm ortopedik engelli, özellikle engelli çocuk ve gençlere tedavi, yardım ve eğitim imkanı sağlamaya odaklanmış, ailelerinin ve genelde toplumun bilinçlendirilmesiyle bu kişilerin toplumla bütünleşmiş bireyler olmasında öncülük yapmak amacı ile kurulmuştur.
Subjects and Methods of Procedures to be Conducted by the Association
- To provide definition, make plans and establish policies about the orthopedically-handicapped.
- To conduct research for the activation and development of its activities,
- To organize training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences and panels,
- To issue newsletters and bulletins to distribute to newspapers, magazines, books and other members in order to provide all kinds of information, documents, documents and publications necessary for the realization of the purpose, to establish a documentation center, to announce their works,
- To provide a healthy working environment for the realization of the purpose, to provide all kinds of technical tools and restorers, fixtures and stationery materials,
- To carry out aid collection activities provided that necessary permissions are obtained and to accept donations from domestic and foreign countries,
- To establish and operate economic, commercial and industrial enterprises in order to obtain the revenues needed for the realization of the purposes of the Charter,
- To open clubs and social and cultural facilities and furnish these so that the members can make us of and spend their leisure times,
- To organize dinners, concerts, balls, theater performances, exhibitions, sports, excursions and entertaining activities for the development and maintenance of human relations between the members and to allow members to take advantage of such activities,
- To purchase, sell, rent, lease, and establish the same rights on immovable properties that are needed for association activities,
- To establish foundation or a federation or join an established federation if it is deemed necessary for the realization of the purpose; to establish the facilities that associations can open with the necessary permission,
- To engage in international activities, to become a member of foreign associations or organizations and to cooperate with or help with projects,
- To obtain financial assistance from associations of similar purposes, from workers’ and employers' unions and professional associations in order to realize the purpose of the association, and to provide financial assistance to the said institutions,
- To carry out joint projects with the public institutions and organizations in the fields of their duties, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law No. 5072 on Associations and Foundations of Public Associations and Organizations, if deemed necessary for the realization of the purpose,
- Establishing a fund in order to meet the necessities of the association members such as food, clothing and other goods and services in order to meet their short term loan needs,
- To open branches and representative offices where it is deemed necessary,
- To create platforms for realizing a common purpose with other associations or foundations, trade unions and similar non-governmental organizations in fields that are of interest to the association and not prohibited by law,
Field of Activity of the Association
The association operates in the social field. The association covers the orthopedically-handicapped and aims to solve problems by integrating with healthy individuals.
Right to Become a Member and Membership Process
Article 3-
Any natural or legal person who possesses a legal capacity and who accepts to work in this direction by adopting the purposes and principles of the association and who meets the conditions stipulated by the Legislation shall be entitled to be a member of this association. However, in order for foreign legal persons to become a member, they should have permission to reside in Turkey. This condition does not apply to honorary membership.
Membership application to be made in writing to the association chairperson shall be made in the form of acceptance or rejection of membership within maximum thirty days of the board of directors of the association and the result shall be communicated to the applicant in writing. The member whose application has been accepted is registered in the book to be kept for this purpose.
The actual members of the Association are those who are accepted as members by the board of directors upon their application to founders. Those who have provided substantial support to the association in material and spiritual terms can be accepted as honorary members with the decision of the board of directors.
When the association's branch is opened, the membership records of those registered at the association's center are transferred to the branches. New membership applications are made to the branch. Acceptance of the membership and deletion from membership are carried out by the branch management boards and notified to the Head Office in writing in maximum thirty days.
Leaving Membership
Article 4-
Each member has the right to leave the association provided that they submit a written notification.
As soon as the resignation letter of the member is received by the board of directors, exit procedures are deemed to be completed. Leaving membership does not terminate the accumulated debts of the members of the association.